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ITIL non-proprietary status challenged
The owners of ITIL, the UK Government Cabinet Office, have gone out to tender with a 'joint venture'.
The alarm bells are starting to ring. One of the fundamental strengths of ITIL is that it is non-proprietary, although a few questions were raised with the appointment of APMG, who not only manage the Accreditation Scheme but are also an ITIL training organization in the market place.
The tender document, which is detailed below states that the 'joint venture company will develop and exploit the Intellectual Property'.
The tender is not giving much more away until a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is signed.


2013-04-26 by "ian"

How do you define 'non-proprietary'? Any simple search of the terme offers definitions similar to: "not protected by trademark or patent or copyright; "nonproprietary products are in the public domain and anyone can produce or distribute them". ITIL has ALWAYS been proprietary, owned by the Crown and managed by a UK Government Agency. To my knowledge it has NEVER been placed in the public domain, or offered under any form of a common use license.

Quite the contrary, those of us who respect copyright and intellectual property, work within the legal confines. The 'free ITIL' (Free Willy?) campaign, and other attempts to free ITIL are ridiculous in their attempts to basically mug an owner of its property on what seems to be the basis its licensed use is abused by so many it should be freely available....

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