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Smart SIP ITIL Service Introduction Process
The ITIL® V3 Lifecycle has been beating the drum for a while, but SMART-SIP is revolutionising Project Management by providing a single repeatable process for the transition of all IT Services into the 'Live' or 'Production' environment.
SMART-SIP Ltd have produced a revolutionary new product specifically designed to provide the integration between project management and Service Management best practice frameworks that will give maximum benefit, where it really matters... in a Service Introduction Process
For too long now organisations have invested in expensive projects, project managers, subject matter experts, suppliers and varying consultants, only to reinvent the wheel every time a new project gets off the ground and, worse still, without utilising the real expertise of these people. Is it a surprise then to see them fail to deliver because the same things are being overlooked every time?
Wouldn't it be great if you had a roadmap, a source of guidance and advice, to guide you through the service introduction lifecycle and beyond, pointing out the potential pitfalls, a single place to record everything in a consistent manner and a means to provide up to the minute information on your project and programme portfolio. Better still, a function rich application accessible by all who actually need it including the business representatives and stakeholders.
SMART-SIP is providing all of these things and more.
Have you found yourself asking questions like:
  • How can I reduce the cost of projects,whilst at the same time, improving the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency, not only of the project but the Service that they're introducing?
  • How confident am I that ALL of the projects requirements, including the non-functional and Service Management aspects, have been identified and considered, and are factored into project plans and business cases?
  • How can I ensure that we have a structured, consistent, repeatable method for managing projects that transition Services into live environments i.e. can we have a process upon which success is not entirely dependent on the skills of the appointed project manager?
  • How can I ensure we deliver our projects and services "right-first-time", without enduring significant variance in Scope, Costs, Quality, Timescales or Resourcing, as a result of unplanned activities or unforeseen requirements?
  • How can I get instant visibility of the details and status for all our service introduction projects?
  • How can I manage our external suppliers and ensure they are meeting our project objectives?
  • How can I effectively synchronise all the elements of IT Service Management i.e. People, Processes, Products and Partners?
  • How can I coordinate our internal and external Service Introduction, Development, Support, Delivery, Business and Operations teams and Suppliers breaking down the "silo mentality" and get people communicating properly?
  • How will I know when my projects are truly ready for live running and support?
  • How can I ensure that the project is aligned with Business requirements and expectations?
  • How can I improve the Business and Stakeholders confidence in IT's ability to deliver projects successfully?
  • How can I assess the maturity of my processes and quickly identify areas for improvement?
  • How can I ensure that I have the right people, in the right place, at the right time, doing the right things?
If you have found yourself asking one or more of these questions, you definitely need SMART-SIP.
SMART-SIP steps you through the project lifecycle from initial engagement to disbandment of the project team. At every stage the engagement questions, operational acceptance criteria and guidance are provided for every discipline that needs to be involved (not just the 17 identified in ITIL® v3), that includes Suppliers.
SMART-SIP helps you to avoid the trap of "silo based management" by ensuring that collaboration and interaction requirements are considered and addressed at the appropriate lifecycle stages, whilst still addressing the issues of compliance, conformance and adherence to corporate and/or legislative standards or practices
The tasks assigned, resource requirements and durations are all captured in one place, providing you with the all important 5 W's - that's the "who, what, when, where, and why", you can also capture the "how" and use it in your future projects and Continual Service Improvement plans.
Summary screens provide a "one stop shop" for your milestone and gateway reporting, RAG status (Red, Amber and Green), benefits realisation, contacts, as well as links to all of the necessary project artefacts like Project Initiation Document (PID), business case and Project Plan.
All of this is supported by built in on demand reporting. So no more trying to wade through myriads of differing spreadsheets and reports each produced by individual projects, data spread all over the place, accessible only to those "in the know" and about as up to date as last year's weather forecast.
A wealth of additional information is available to you in the free White Papers obtainable from our web site as well as brochures and further contact information.
Arranging a demonstration of the product is simple, give us an hour of your time, any time that suits you best, we can visit your site or deliver via WebExâ„¢. The choice is yours.
Eric Williamson - on behalf of SMART-SIP Ltd
Eric's been around a while now and seen quite a lot. Starting out in ITSM with a UK Government Organization (where some of the original architects and authors for ITIL came from), he has worked in the Service Management tools arena as principle consultant with Axios Systems before branching out on his own in to ITSM and tools implementation consultancy, working on global projects for ITIL processes, maturity assessment and tools. First qualified for ITIL Managers certificate in 1994 and holder of ISO20000 Consultant and Auditors qualification. The other members of the SMART-SIP team are all similarly experienced and qualified.


2012-12-18 by "donnai_1985"

Hi everyone.

I am going to design a process for new services in a telecoms company. I am looking for samples and links to help me with this.

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