The recentÃITIL 2011 improvements came about following the information collected from the ITIL community as they used the Core Publications.
As one might expect, best practice strives for continual improvement andÃthis means a change control log is available to capture such improvements. The log can be found by clicking on the link below.ÃRegistration is required.
From the site above...
The Purpose of the Change Control System...
From the site above...
The Purpose of the Change Control System...
This Change Control System is the only repository of issues / changes for all OGC PPM and ITIL Best Practice products. It serves the purpose of enabling all issues / changes regarding the content of the Best Practice products to be recorded, actioned and reported for the ongoing and continual improvement of the Best Practice guidance in PPM and ITIL, and for the benefit of the PPM and ITIL communities globally.
The system is not designed to be a complaints system, answer sales or examination enquiries or to be used to record technical issues with any of the OGC products: it is for content only.