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ITIL career choices theory and practice
On several occasions, ITILnews have been asked for career guidance as to what direction an individual should take.   We must confess that the ITIL Qualification Scheme may appear somewhat daunting. The scheme has in our opinion, been devised so it may support and underpin an…
375 words, last edited in the evening of 4th Jan 2012
This article is from ITIL Version 3 - Qualifications and has been viewed 14263 times.
Tags: ITIL career,ITIL Qualification Scheme,Managing Across the LifeCycle,MALC,ITIL Foundation certificate,ITIL qualifications
ITIL Accreditation Scheme bridge from itil v1 and 2 to ITIL v3
As of 1st July 2011, the ITIL Accreditation Scheme does not provide any officially recognized Bridging courses between ITIL version 1 or 2 and ITIL version 3.   The consequences simply mean, irrespective of existing ITIL v1 or v2 qualifications, if you require to be ITIL…
69 words, last edited in the morning of 4th Jul 2011
This article is from ITIL Version 3 - Qualifications and has been viewed 12948 times.
Tags: ITIL,ITIL Accreditation Scheme,Bridging courses,ITIL v3
Operational pilot phase of ITIL Master Qualification
Initially the ITIL Master Qualification was promised for release at the beginning of 2010, the development of the qualification has proved more difficult and illusive than first thought.   This month, March 2011, the world of ITIL Service Management awaits further news on the ITIL Master…
152 words, last edited in the morning of 11th Mar 2011
This article is from ITIL Version 3 - Qualifications and has been viewed 15354 times.
Tags: ITIL Master Qualification,operational pilot phase,ITIL Service Management,Project Management,Continual Service Improvement
ITIL version 2 and ITIL version 3 education
As the last of the ITIL version 2 Managers courses commence around the globe, ITILnews are being asked will the qualifications still be recognized by the industry going forward?   The simple answer is YES. ITIL version 3 is founded upon ITIL version 2, simply expanded…
200 words, last edited in the afternoon of 14th Feb 2011
This article is from ITIL Version 3 - Qualifications and has been viewed 15966 times.
Tags: ITIL version 3,ITIL version 2 Managers qualifications,ITIL version 2
ITIL v3 Intermediate / Lifecycle Courses
Now that ITIL version 3 is well established, with ITIL v3 Foundation, ITIL v3 Foundation Bridging, ITIL v3 Managers Bridging and ITIL Expert courses being run by the Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs).  What is the value of the old Practitioner courses or in v3 speak the Intermediate and…
272 words, last edited in the morning of 28th Aug 2009
This article is from ITIL Version 3 - Qualifications and has been viewed 14360 times.
Tags: ITIL v3,Lifecycle Courses,ITIL version 3,Accredited Training Organizations
ITIL v3 Badges
The ITIL Badges live on.  Gone are the days of the green Foundation, blue Practitioners and red Managers badges.  They have been replaced with the various pastel colours and shades below.     ITIL® v3 badges from left to right: Foundation, Capability, Lifecycle,…
217 words, last edited in the afternoon of 19th Jan 2009
This article is from ITIL Version 3 - Qualifications and has been viewed 40848 times.
Tags: ITIL v3 Badges,Pearly Kings and Queens,ITIL Version 3 books,ITIL v3
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