Whether you use ITIL v1, ITIL v2 or indeed ITIL v3 the fundamental principle of People, Process and Technology is the foundation for a successful ITIL implementation.
When Consulting, Customers ask 'what is the secret to a successful ITIL implementation'? The answer is not rocket science but good old fashioned common sense and a 3 legged stool!!
People, Process and Technology have been the cornerstone of ITIL since time began and still hold true today in the times of ITIL Version3.
Many organizations believe that by implementing a new Service Management Tool they will cure all their ills. This is however not the case ' a fool with a tool is still a fool'. The tool is only as good as the Processes that wrap around it. Taking it a stage further, the Processes are only as good as the People that use them.
In my humble opinion the common denominator is People, get this right and the rest will follow.
How do we get the balance right? Here are some tips:
- People
- Ensure Senior Management buy-in and commitment. Without this you will fail.
- Employ the right people with the right attitude, experience and qualifications. Practical experience is priceless, too many organizations have only theorists
- Process
- Build these first and then select the Service Management Tool
- Train the People on the Processes and get their buy-in to see 'what's in it for them'
- Technology
- Only as good as the Management Information you want to get out of it
- Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Metrics first, both for Senior Management and Operational purposes
So why the three legged stool? Get the balance right of People, Process and Technology and the stool is solid, concentrate on only on the technology and the stool will wobble.
All three do not have to be totally mature but as long as they 'grow' together an ITIL implementation will have a solid foundation upon which to build.
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