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Patch Management
Ask many IT Managers what Patch Management is about and they'll respond that it is mostly the deployment of Service Packs and patches required to keep worms and viruses at bay. As IT infrastructure becomes more complex and businesses demand reduced downtime; coupled with the increasing anxiety around governance and…
139 words, last edited in the evening of 7th Apr 2008
This article is from Service Transition - Change Management and has been viewed 36873 times.
Tags: PATCH MANAGEMENT, CONFIGURATION AND RELEASE, Fox IT, deployment of Service, IT infrastructure, regulatory compliance, IT assets
ITIL Change Management
An IT partnership with 'the Business' is now found to be a fundamental requirement of most medium to large organizations today. The knowledge of IT has grown within the user / customer base to the extent that the 'mystic of IT' does not wash so well as it…
1350 words, last edited in the evening of 1st Apr 2007
This article is from Service Transition - Change Management and has been viewed 19174 times.
Tags: Change Management,Missing Link,outsourcing,Service Catalogue,RFC,SLA
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