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ITIL Service Sourcing Considerations
Most organizations are general striving to be more effective and efficient, failure to do so can often result in its eventual demise or takeover. Considering Service Sourcing, whether to outsource, invest or simply sell the Service Management capability probably appears on most boardroom agendas over a trading period.  …
331 words, last edited in the morning of 12th Nov 2010
This article is from Service Strategy - Service Generation and has been viewed 21090 times.
Tags: ITIL,Service Sourcing Considerations,Service Sourcing,Service Management
ITIL Planning to Implement Service Management
A six-step process to planning service management implementation. Relationships, roles, organisation and structure. Enablers and blockers to successful service management.
536 words, last edited in the morning of 8th Nov 2010
This article is from ITIL Book Store - ITIL v3 Books and has been viewed 13777 times.
Tags: ITIL,Planning to Implement Service Management,Hard Copy
365 IT plc
Basingstoke 1st November 2010: 365 iT plc announces the acquisition of Fox IT Ltd, the global independent service management & governance specialist which is a premier provider of consultancy and education solutions in the field of IT Service Management (ITSM). Terms were not disclosed.   With over 120…
638 words, last edited in the afternoon of 2nd Nov 2010
This article is from Press Releases - ITIL and has been viewed 16768 times.
Tags: 365 iT,IT Service Management,latest acquisition
Continual Service Improvement - Measurement - Metrics - KPIs - Stats - Management Information
How often have we heard the great and the good say 'if you can't measure it, you can't manage it?'.  The answer is numerous times, but the saying is spot on.   Whether embarking on an ITIL implementation or continuing your ITIL journey, you need to…
350 words, last edited in the morning of 29th Oct 2010
This article is from Service Operation - Continual Service Improvement and has been viewed 15753 times.
Tags: Continual Service Improvement,ITIL implementation,Management Information,Service Management Consultancy
NB: This article has been archived, indicating it is either out of date or no longer relevant
Sharing information, experiences and knowledge with organizations and individuals interested in the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).   Please use the "subscribe" option at the top left hand side of the web site to add your e-mail address to the recipient list to receive future newsletters. We normally send out…
567 words, last edited in the afternoon of 15th Oct 2010
This article is from Archive - Archived Articles and has been viewed 9215 times.
Tags: ITIL News,ITIL newsletter
ITIL Change Management - Management Information Reporting
ITIL Change Management    Following the article 'MIR - The Key' this article is a further step in the same direction to discuss the content and use of Management Information Reporting (MIR). It may be read as a stand alone article or as one of the series that…
3108 words, last edited in the morning of 11th Oct 2010
This article is from Service Transition - Change Management and has been viewed 45100 times.
Tags: ITIL,Change Management,Management Information Reporting,MIR
itSMF Professional Development Days Taking Care of Business
The itSMF Professional Development Days (Canada) will be going on the road again this year (2010) and we would like to invite you to join us at one of four venues across the country. This year's theme is "Taking Care of Business". This series of one-day events…
320 words, last edited in the morning of 8th Oct 2010
This article is from Events and Webinars - Past Events and has been viewed 11729 times.
Tags: itSMF Canada,Professional Development Days,Taking Care of Business
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