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What are the benefits of adopting ITIL
The following is not a definitive list, but hopefully conveys some of the fundamental benefits, if we have missed any benefits that you believe should be included then please let us know. A documented approach Global recognition Accredited educational companies…
238 words, last edited in the morning of 17th Jan 2007
This article is from ITIL FAQs - Questions and Answers and has been viewed 19600 times.
Tags: benefits of ITIL
ITIL FAQ Overview
No organization is the same as a consequence ITIL disciplines and function cannot be implemented in the sequence as they appear in the ITIL Service Support and ITIL Service Delivery books. To determine a sequence, which is applicable to your organization the following options are suggested: Speak…
216 words, last edited in the morning of 17th Jan 2007
This article is from ITIL FAQs - Questions and Answers and has been viewed 12254 times.
Tags: where do you start
Implementing ITIL successfully
Whether one is considering implementing one of the ITIL Service Management processes or undertaking a full ITIL implementation it is imperative to obtain Management commitment and buy-in as far up the organization as possible. Fundamentally, it demonstrates and provides commitment to the initiative, which if the commitment is…
122 words, last edited in the morning of 17th Jan 2007
This article is from ITIL FAQs - Questions and Answers and has been viewed 11442 times.
Tags: implementing ITIL
The adoption of ITIL provides the opportunity for an organization to become more cost efficient and effective through the improvement of existing and the introduction of new process and disciplines. Most organizations are probably undertaking elements of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), but more often than not…
346 words, last edited in the morning of 17th Jan 2007
This article is from ITIL FAQs - Questions and Answers and has been viewed 17006 times.
Tags: ITIL FAQ,ITIL answers
ITIL Qualifications and Badges
Organisations are looking for ways of identifying individuals' competence in a formal and standard manner - this is particularly true for large multi-national organisations but applies to companies of all sizes.   One such way is through professional and recognised qualifications.   The Information Systems Examination…
1000 words, last edited in the evening of 15th Jan 2007
This article is from Qualifications - Qualifications Overview and has been viewed 39724 times.
Tags: ITIL Qualifications, ITIL Badges,Foundation Certificate,Practitioners Certificates,Managers Certificate
ITIL Refresh Project ITIL Version 3
A six month project was launched by the 'owners of ITIL', Office of Government Commerce (OGC) based in the UK, on the 8th November 2004, to define the scope of and development plans for a refreshed version of ITIL best practice guidance. The OGC from January through to March 2005…
747 words, last edited in the morning of 27th Oct 2006
This article is from ITIL Version 3 - ITIL Refresh Project Overview and has been viewed 13681 times.
Tags: ITIL Refresh Project,Refresh Project,Version 3
IT Service Continuity Management
Organisations are now nearly always dependent on IT services in order to support their business practices and to provide goods and services to their customers. This increased dependency on IT means that services need to be protected from extended unavailability. This is where IT Service Continuity Management (ITSCM) fits in. It…
2090 words, last edited in the morning of 13th Oct 2006
This article is from Service Design - IT Service Continuity Management and has been viewed 46904 times.
Tags: IT Service, Continuity Management, ITSCM, Business Continuity, Business Continuity Management, Business Continuity Management Initiation, Business Impact Analysis, Risk Assessment, Cold Standby,Warm Standby, Hot Standby, Continuous Service Improvement Programme, benefits of ITSCM
ITIL Financial Management
Increased user numbers and demands for new technologies have caused the costs of IT Services to grow faster than other costs and are perceived as high and inflexible. The complex nature of Accounting for IT usage often leads to dissatisfaction and questionable 'value for money' of the services…
525 words, last edited in the morning of 13th Oct 2006
This article is from Service Strategy - Financial Management and has been viewed 32700 times.
Tags: Financial Management, ITIL Financial Management,IT Services,Accounting for IT,implementing IT Accounting
ITIL Capacity Management
ITIL Capacity Management is responsible for ensuring the capacity of IT Infrastructure matches the evolving demands of the business in the most cost-effective and timely manner. To enable ITIL Capacity Management to achieve its responsibilities it undertakes various activities including:   The monitoring of performance and…
943 words, last edited in the morning of 13th Oct 2006
This article is from Service Design - Capacity Management and has been viewed 35484 times.
Tags: ITIL Capacity Management, ITIL Financial Management, Capacity Plan, Change Advisory Board, ITIL Capacity Management process
ITIL Availability Management
The interdependency today between business processes and IT operation is that if IT stops, the business stops. There is a growing demand from the business and its customers, for the availability of IT Services that are time and place independent. Customer loyalty can no longer be relied on, availability and…
797 words, last edited in the morning of 13th Oct 2006
This article is from Service Design - Availability Management and has been viewed 26290 times.
Tags: Availability Management , ITIL Availability Management, Service Level Management
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