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ITSM and ITIL: A Partnership In Success
By Nancy Van Elsacker Louisnord Information technology service management (ITSM) is a framework for delivering technology within a business, and, while often interchanged with the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), the two are very different.  ITSM is obviously the organizational implementation of a management model used to design,…
743 words, last edited in the afternoon of 20th Jun 2017
This article is from ITIL News - Most Recent and has been viewed 12413 times.
Tags: ITSM and ITIL,A Partnership In Success,Nancy Van Elsacker Louisnord
The future of project management
Project management is one of the most important skills that a professional can have. Effective project management helps to ensure that all tasks within a certain project are completed within set timescales and are completed to or under budget. This helps to streamline processes within a business, while also helping…
555 words, last edited in the morning of 28th Apr 2017
This article is from ITIL News - Most Recent and has been viewed 16613 times.
Tags: Future Of Project Management,Project Management,Software Solutions
SIAM or Service Integration And Management
It appears that some organizations are starting to realise that the SIAM model adopted some years ago when it was the fad, is not all it was cracked up to be.   Organizations saw SIAM as the opportunity to reduce costs and offload the responsibilities of…
332 words, last edited in the afternoon of 16th Feb 2017
This article is from ITIL News - Most Recent and has been viewed 8172 times.
Tags: SIAM,Service Integration And Management
How ITIL Will Change How You Think About Startups
Every business could benefit greatly from using technology in one way or another. A survey conducted by AT&T and the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, found that smartphones alone save business owners 1.24 Billion hours a year, while mobile technologies save small businesses more than USD 65 Billion a year.…
1021 words, last edited in the afternoon of 30th Jan 2017
This article is from ITIL News - Most Recent and has been viewed 11715 times.
Tags: ITIL,Startups,The Information Technology Infrastructure Library framework,IT services to a business,identify services,continuously improve
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