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Configuration Data (MIR)
Art 6 Expanding on the previous articles entitled "MIR the Key" where the Management Information Reporting was discussed , in this article we will discuss the service data and its importance as well as the Management Information (MI) reporting and its value where Configuration Management is concerned.  Truly central to…
4430 words, last edited in the morning of 17th Oct 2016
This article is from Service Transition - Change Management and has been viewed 9375 times.
Tags: Configuration Data,Service and Management Information Reporting,MIR
February 19-22, 2017 Las Vegas – Bellagio Hotel The world's #1 IT Service Management conference! Pink17's theme is Communicate. Connect. Change. The event will focus on how to successfully lead and manage people, processes and technology in today's ever changing IT and business landscapes. Some…
156 words, last edited in the afternoon of 14th Oct 2016
This article is from Events and Webinars - Forthcoming Events and has been viewed 7859 times.
Tags: Pink17,International IT Service Management Conference & Exhibition
What are the operational challenges Brazilian IT Service Managers face?
Have you ever wanted to know how ITIL is running in other organisations? In other countries? In other cultures?  Brazilians have a good reputation worldwide for managing IT services, however we all know that nothing is perfect or always black and white. In this book, Daniel Ramalho has…
240 words, last edited in the evening of 10th Oct 2016
This article is from Publications - Overview and has been viewed 6744 times.
Tags: operational challenges,Brazilian,IT Service Managers
Selling Information Security to the Board
The latest revision to one of ITGP's bestselling titles; Selling Information Security to the Board, is now available to download. Persuading the board to invest in information security measures requires sales skills. Many information security professionals are scientific and technical specialists; and yet they need to get the message across to people…
195 words, last edited in the afternoon of 4th Oct 2016
This article is from ITIL Book Store - ITIL Books Introduction and has been viewed 12021 times.
Tags: Selling Information Security to the Board,Information Security
SIAM: Service Management Definition Document
To enable SIAM to be effective across internal and external suppliers the introduction of a Service Management Definition Document (SMDD) is recommended
1013 words, last edited in the morning of 12th Sep 2016
This article is from Management Tools - Advice and Guidance and has been viewed 10772 times.
Tags: SIAM,Service Management Definition Document,SMDD,SIAM model,ITIL best practice,Operational Level Agreements,OLA
SIAM - A Fool and a Tool
It may appear to be stating the obvious but when considering a new or replacement Service Management tool it is paramount that as an organization you define your existing and/or future Service Operating model. The model should assist with understanding how the organization plans to operate and highlight expectations of…
400 words, last edited in the morning of 12th Sep 2016
This article is from ITIL News - Most Recent and has been viewed 7535 times.
Tags: Service Integration and Management,SIAM,Service Management
ISO20000 - how much does it cost ?
Starting any project can't go without many questions asked. ISO 20000 is not an exception. One of the mandatory questions, and among the first ones to ask, is – “How much does it cost?” Management is the first one who would like to know the answer, so you have to be…
1165 words, last edited in the morning of 6th Sep 2016
This article is from Press Releases - ISO/IEC 20000 and has been viewed 7177 times.
Tags: ISO 20000,ISO 20000 implementation, ISO 9001,ISO 27001
The Future of ITIL according to samanage
For something that touted itself as the best thing to happen to IT service management, the silver bullet to all of IT woes, ITIL is no longer seen that way by many of the people who actually work in today's modern IT environment. The past several years have seen an…
246 words, last edited in the morning of 23th Aug 2016
This article is from Free Downloads - ITIL PDF and has been viewed 7921 times.
Tags: future of ITIL,retirement of ITIL
Capacity Management
Below are a series of questions that will assist with determining areas where Capacity Management may need to focus attention to improve its maturity. I would suggest that a marking scheme is established to so that it is possible to determine the following: …
1812 words, last edited in the afternoon of 29th Nov 2013
This article is from Service Design - Capacity Management and has been viewed 25289 times.
Tags: ITIL,Capacity Management,improve maturity
Austrian Broadcasting company uses ITSM software
ORS, (Austrian Broadcasting Services) has chosen IT service management software developed by iET Solutions to centralize all the information needed to monitor and manage its national network of transmitter stations at around 450 locations. The iET ITSM software was chosen for its flexibility. Today ORS manages around 80,000 data records…
1324 words, last edited in the afternoon of 18th Jun 2013
This article is from Press Releases - ITIL and has been viewed 25440 times.
Tags: Austrian Broadcasting company,Austrian Broadcasting Services,ITSM software,IT service management,ITIL
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