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Capacity Management
Below are a series of questions that will assist with determining areas where Capacity Management may need to focus attention to improve its maturity. I would suggest that a marking scheme is established to so that it is possible to determine the following:
  • No focus or effort has been provided to date
  • Some work has been undertaken but further work is required
  • Work is deemed complete
We hope this helps and would welcome any feedback you may have and are prepared to share with the ITILnews community.
Is Capacity Management well defined?
Is there an agreed scope for Capacity Management?
Is there a Capacity Management Policy?
Is there a Capacity Manager?
If a Capacity Manager does not exist, have responsibilities for Capacity Management activities been assigned?
Is the Capacity Management process 'owned' by anyone specifically within the organisation?
Are there mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing the Capacity Management process?
Is the 'Resource Capacity Management' sub-process well defined?
Is there a documented Resource Capacity process?
Is there a process to analyse resilience of the infrastructure?
Are the objectives for the monitoring of resource capacity clearly defined?
Is there a distinction between the data collected to monitor capacity (e.g. throughput) and performance (e.g. Response times)?
Are thresholds set?
Is collected data analysed?
Is data analysed over different time periods?
Is tuning undertaken as a result of resource capacity monitoring?
If tuning is undertaken what techniques are employed?
Is there a documented process for the implementation of capacity tuning activities?
Is the 'Service Capacity Management' sub-process well defined?
Is there a documented Service Capacity sub-process?
Are there clearly defined objectives for the monitoring of service capacity?
Is Service response time monitoring undertaken? Describe
Is there a mechanism for informing the Service Level Manager of breaches to an SLA.
Are Service Capacity reports routinely provided to senior IT Management?
Are Service Capacity reports routinely provided to Customers?
Is the 'Business Capacity Management' sub-process well defined?
Are the future business requirements for IT service resources understood?
Are the sources of information for business capacity requirements identified?
Is there routine contact between Capacity Management and Service Level Management?
Is Business Capacity Management involved in the design of new services?
Is there routine contact between Capacity Management and Configuration Management?
Is a Business Capacity Management report produced for IT and business management?
How well is Capacity data managed?
Is a Capacity Management Database used to store capacity data?
Is there a process to collect business data?
Is there a process to collect service data?
Is there a process to collect technical data?
Is there a process to collect financial data?
Is there a process to collect utilisation data?
Is output from the Capacity Management Database easily available for analysis?
Are service and component based reports produced?
Is exception reporting undertaken?
Are capacity forecasts produced?
How well is demand management defined?
Is there a defined policy for the use of demand management?
Is 'short term' demand management undertaken?
Is 'long term' demand management undertaken?
Are physical or financial constraints used to influence IT usage?
How well are modelling activities undertaken?
Is trend analysis performed?
Is any analytical modelling undertaken?
Is any simulation modelling undertaken?
Is any baseline modelling undertaken?
How well is the Capacity Plan defined?
Is a Capacity Plan produce?
Is the Capacity Plan updated regularly?
Is the Capacity Plan produced prior to the organisations budget cycle?
Is the Capacity Plans contents and format consistent?
To what degree are tools used to support Capacity Management?
What tools are used for Capacity Management? Describe what is used.
Were the tool specifications based on the process requirements?
Are the tools integrated? If so how?
Is tool usage documented and controlled?
Do the tools meet the needs of Capacity Management?
Do the tools generate standard reports?
Are there effective relationships with other IT Service Management disciplines?
Is there a link between the Incident Management group and the Capacity Management function?
Are there feeds from Problem Management to Capacity Management re known errors, and proactive problem management?
Is Capacity Management represented at CAB meetings?
Does Capacity Management provide performance data for Release Management?
Is there a defined relationship between Capacity Management data and the attributes of Configuration Item's in the Configuration Management Data Base (CMDB)?
Are capacity targets included in SLA's?
Is there a link between Capacity Management and Financial Management for IT Services to ensure the economic provision of services?
Is there an interface between Capacity Management and IT Service Continuity Management?
Is there a link in place between Capacity Management and Availability Management?
Is there a link between the Service Desk and the Capacity Management function?
Are Capacity Management KPI's/Quality Measures used?
What metrics are used to judge the efficiency and effectiveness of Capacity Management? 
Are Capacity Management Responsibilities well defined?
If there is a Capacity Manager do they have an appropriate role description?
If Capacity Management responsibilities are included within other functional roles, are all responsibilities apportioned?
Does the following Documentation exist
Capacity Management Policy
Capacity Management Process
Capacity Management Procedures
Capacity Plan template
Capacity Manager Roles and Responsibilities
Training Manual
Key Performance Indicators report
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