You can now submit your ITIL press releases (or ITIL related press releases) to ITILnews.com for publication and distribution via the ITILnews.com web site.
Your press release will remain on the site for as long as you would like, only moving down the list as additional releases are added, but even then it will still be accessible via the menu system, site search, and RSS feed.
We e-mail our users details of new items on the site, and include press release headlines with direct inbound links.
Cost: TBA - We are offering this service totally free for a limited period(1).
- free press release publication
- no time limit for inclusion (and we will remove releases from the site on your request)
- inclusion in the ITILnews.com RSS feed for maximum exposure
- include a link to your web site (1)
(1) The only limitation of the free offer is that you may only include a single link to your web site home page at the very end of the press release. No additional links are allowed. Please enquire about the costs of including unlimited web links etc. If you would like to advertise on ITILnews.com, or have one or more entries in The ITIL Directory, please contact us.
We are also looking for sponsored articles, case histories and personal experiences etc.