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The Examination Institute for Information Science (EXIN) has signed an agreement with APM Group (APMG), the international body that accredits organizations whom provide education and certification in ITIL, to translate examinations and sample examinations for ITIL Version 3 into the Japanese language.   Initially focusing on the ITIL…
81 words, last edited in the morning of 6th May 2008
This article is from ITIL V2 / V3 Qualifications - Articles and has been viewed 10623 times.
Tags: ITIL V3, Japanese Exams, Examination Institute for Information Science, APM Group, TIL Version 3, ITIL Foundation examination, ITIL Foundation, Bridge examination, Managers Bridge examination, Capability examination, ITIL Foundation examinations

Keeping up-to-date with ITIL...

Keep up-to-date with ITIL news. Low volume to-the-point bulletins...