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ITSM and ITIL: A Partnership In Success
By Nancy Van Elsacker Louisnord Information technology service management (ITSM) is a framework for delivering technology within a business, and, while often interchanged with the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), the two are very different.  ITSM is obviously the organizational implementation of a management model used to design,…
743 words, last edited in the afternoon of 20th Jun 2017
This article is from ITIL News - Most Recent and has been viewed 11895 times.
Tags: ITSM and ITIL,A Partnership In Success,Nancy Van Elsacker Louisnord
The future of project management
Project management is one of the most important skills that a professional can have. Effective project management helps to ensure that all tasks within a certain project are completed within set timescales and are completed to or under budget. This helps to streamline processes within a business, while also helping…
555 words, last edited in the morning of 28th Apr 2017
This article is from ITIL News - Most Recent and has been viewed 15964 times.
Tags: Future Of Project Management,Project Management,Software Solutions
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